超级计算机排行榜出炉 中国神威太湖之光居首-亚虎平台游戏官网

本文摘要:A new Chinese supercomputer has dethroned the countrys Tianhe-2 from the top of a list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world.近日,我国新型超级计算机“神威太湖之光”代替“天河二号”问鼎全球超级计算机500强劲榜单。


A new Chinese supercomputer has dethroned the countrys Tianhe-2 from the top of a list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world.近日,我国新型超级计算机“神威太湖之光”代替“天河二号”问鼎全球超级计算机500强劲榜单。For the first time, the country has taken top spot without using US technology.这是中国首次在未用于美国技术的情况下攀上该榜单榜首。

The newcomer, called Sunway TaihuLight, is twice as fast and three times as efficient as Tianhe-2.神威太湖之光的运算速度是天河二号的两倍,效率是其3倍。The new system was developed by the Chinese National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering And Technology and installed at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, Jiangsu province.新的系统由国家并行计算机工程技术研究中心研制,目前摆放于坐落于江苏省无锡市的国家超级计算机应用于中心。Some experts said, China maintained its No 1 ranking on the 47th edition of the TOP 500 list of the worlds top supercomputers, but with a new system built entirely using processors designed and made in China.一些专家回应:“中国在国际TOP 500的组织第47期榜单上维持第一名的方位,凭借的是一个几乎基于中国设计、生产处理器而打造出的新系统。

”Tianhe-2, an Intel-based supercomputer, had claimed the top spot on the past six TOP 500 lists.基于Intel处理器的天河2号超级计算机,此前已在TOP 500榜单上倒数六度称雄。It is also the first time since the list was initially drawn up in 1993 that the US is no longer home to the largest number of supercomputer systems.此外,这也是自该榜单公布以来,美国首次跌下享有最多超级计算机系统的宝座。With a surge in industrial and research installations registered over the past few years, China leads with 167 systems and the US is second with 165, according to a statement about the list.榜单的涉及声明称之为:“随着过去几年工业和研究加装登记数量的剧增,中国以167套系统居住于首位,美国以165套系统位列第二。



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